Modal Auxiliaries

Modal Auxiliaries
Kata yang ditempatkan sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama) untuk memodifikasi makna dari kata kerja utama tersebut. Fungsinya untuk mengekspresikan willingness (kemauan) atau ability (kemampuan), necessity (kebutuhan), dan possibility(kemungkinan). Kata kerja bantu seperti can, could, may, might, should, will, would, shall etc.

a. Simple modal
Modal yang mempunyai bentuk sederhana. Contoh :
1. Will you marry me?
2. You can buy some fruits.
3. You shouldn’t smooking in here.

b. Complex Modal
Modal yang mempunyai bentuk tidak sederhana atau rumit. Contoh :
1. The students are doing the homework because they will to exam international tomorrow.
2. We know the old man whom you were coming to the office last morning.

c. Ephistemic Modal
Jenis modal yang mengacu pada modalitas logis dan "status proposisi dalam hal komitmen si pembicara untuk suatu hal". Epistemik sering digunakan dalam dugaan seperti pengurangan atau kesimpulan yang dibuat oleh si pembicara. Mereka dapat mengungkapkan hubungan dalam pernyataan sederhana. Modal Ephistemic menunjukkan indikasi kemungkinan, prediksi, kewajiban, dan kepastian, diungkapkan melalui kata dapat, bisa, boleh, mungkin, mampu, dll. Ketika kata kerja modal digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pendapat pembicara tentang pernyataan. Contoh :
1. You will try to next time.
2. That should be me.
3. It might be wrong.

d. Periphrastic Modal
Periphrastic modals are phrase-like, such as ought to, have to, be going to, be able to, be allowed to, be supposed to, be to, etc. Contoh :
1. You ought to take a letter last night.
2. We have to go this month.

Conditional Sentences
Kalimat pengandaiian yang terdiri dari 2 jenis. Yaitu Real Conditional (nyata), adalah pengandaian yang bisa menjadi kenyataan. Dan Unreal Conditional (tidak nyata), adalah pengandaian yang tidak mungkin akan terjadi.
o UNREAL conditional
Rumus :
> If + S + Simple Past + ....., S + would + Verb I +....
Simple past => Verb 2
> S + would + Verb I....., if + S +Simple Past +......
Contoh :
- If I had much money, I would buy a car.
- I would buy car, if I had much money.

Conditional dengan Modals : modal such as can, shall, may tidak dapat digunakan dengan would, kata ini digunakan dalam bentuk khusus :
would + can = could
would + shall = should
would + may = might
Contoh :
- If I lived in Tokyo, I would can speak Japanese language. (False)
- If I lived in Tokyo, I could speak Japanese language. (True)

Rumus :
> If + S + Past Perfect + ..., S + would have + Past Participle + ....
Past Perfect => had +verb3
Past Participle => verb 3
> S + would have + Past Participle + ...., if + S + Past Perfect + ....
Contoh :
- If I had won a race, I would have bought a new house.
- If he had had more money, She would have traveled to Brazil.

Conditional dengan Modal
Can, May, Shall tidak dapt digunakan dengan "would have"
Jika menggunakan bentuk Could, Might dan Should dan tidak perlu menyertakan "would"
Contoh :
- If I had had more time, I could have worked with him.
- I He had invited you, you might have gone.

Beberapa bentuk future conditional :
A. Bentuk ke-1 (paling umum)
> If + S + Simple Past + ..., S + would + V1 + ......
> S + would + V1...., if + S + Simple Past +....
- If I had day off work next week, I go to the mountain.

Tapi biasanya Native Speaker sering menggunakan future unreal conditional dalam bentuk ke2 seperti dibawah ini.
B. Bentuk ke-2
> If + S + were + Present Participle +....., S + would be + Present participle + ......
Present participle => verb + ing
> S + would be + Present Participle + ....., if + S + were + Present Participle + ....
Contoh :
- If you were cooking cupcake tomorrow, you would be eating it with yout family.

C. Bentuk ke-3
> If + S + were going to + verb1 + ...., S + would be + Present Participle + .....
> S + would be + Present Participle + ...., If + S + going to + verb1 + .......
Contoh :
- If you were going to cook a cupcake tomorow, you would be eating it with your family.

References :


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